In Memory

Roger Van Steenbergh

From the 1963 Reveille:

Members of the faculty and students of Newark High School:

Once again tragedy has struck our campus and has removed from our midst one of our students. Roger Van Steenbergh was fatally injured in an automobile accident Saturday night, October 13, 1962, on Sharon Valley Road.

Words are designed to be used as effective means of communication, but they are woefully inadequate to convey what we would have them convey at a time like this. Roger was a well-mannered, well-behaved and well-liked young man. He was striving diligently and honestly to fulfill the high expectations that his family held for him and to realize those ambitions that we who were associated with him here in school expected for him

He had been a member of a baseball team. He was a member of our football team. He will be sadly missed by his teammates. He will be sadly missed by students and faculty here at school.

They tell us that night is the most joyous part of the day. It is a time of homecoming after a hard day's work. Night is the tme for rest and for sleep. So it is with death. It is life's night. It is a rest from labor.

Roger's day on this earth encompassed a short sixteen years. Who is there to say that he had not lived it richly and fully? So, Roger's night has descended upon him and he has gone home to his eterrnal rest. To his family and friends we extend our heartfelt sympathy. May we again observe a moment of silence.

Robert W. Barclay
